Youth Happenings January 2016
Happy New Year Families!
A HUGE Thank You goes out to all our awesome Acolytes who served during the Christmas season and those who performed in The Pageant. It was fabulous! You guys were terrific!
EYC Study Breaks pick up again starting January 12. Looking forward to getting the EYC program up and running again! Middle schoolers meet in the youth room from 6-8pm on Tuesdays and high schoolers meet Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30. We ask that Jr. EYC families take turns preparing a meal for the kids. Contact Paul Barker to sign up. Thank you!
Youth Forum started up again Sunday, January 3. We gather in the youth room between services to discuss the Gospel and how Jesus’ teaching can help us today as young Christians. We have started watching “Do You Believe? The Power of the Cross”. Please join us!
Acolyte training and reorganization meeting/lunch will be Sunday, January 24 at noon. This is an important meeting (required) where we will train up on duties, go over some changes to serving and prepare for Holy Week. And share a lunch with fellow acolytes! Please attend!Our next Mission work day is Monday, January 18 at St. Paul’s. We will prepare breakfast bags for the Severe Weather Emergency Shelter in Pittsburgh. All youth, who have MLK Day off, are encouraged to attend and help in this ministry. We gather at 10am and work until the project is done, about 2 hours. Contact Paul Barker to attend.
Mission Trip 2016! A planning/information meeting will be held Sunday, January 17 after the 1045 service. If you are planning on or thinking of attending St. Paul’s Youth Mission Trip to Highland Educational Project, WV this summer (June 12-18) please attend this important meeting. We will discuss all aspects of the trip; fund raising, planning committees, transportation, etc. See all you old and NEW Missionites there!
An Evening of Talent Show! Start preparing your musical, vocal, acting and dancing performances for the annual Youth Talent Show scheduled for February 27. This is a really BIG Show and we raise a lot of funds for the summer Mission Trip. There will be 3 rehearsals leading up to the big night. There are several ways for everyone to help out so contact Paul Barker for more info.
Laser Tag Challenge! We are challenging the Youth of Christ Church, North Hills to a day of laser tag at Laser Storm on McKnight Rd. Ofcourse we will rock! This is event is open to both Jr. and Sr. EYCers. This will be on a Saturday to be determined in February so keep an eye out!
Contact Paul Barker, Director of Youth Ministries
412-531-7153 x20
Tags: Messenger January 2016 / Youth / Youth Forum / Families