Music Notes for Jan. 10 - Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ
This Sunday we will celebrate The Feast of the Baptism commemorating the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist. Our hymns and anthems do make manifest our soul’s salvation through Baptism and Christ’s miraculous power as God’s Son. The two preludes by J.S. Bach contain a theological mysticism. The first, portraying the baptized Christ as the sacrificial Lamb of God. The second, a poignant expression of the old year passing away as our old selves do in Baptism. You may not sense the mysticism in these preludes but rather a degree of beautiful solemnity and that is just fine. Bach, the theologian, gives us beautiful music to carry in our hearts for an incipient revelation.
Please join us for our next Friends of Music concert on Sunday, January 31 at 4:00 pm. The West Liberty University Choirs led by Dr. Scott Glysson will present a concert of choral singing in our beautiful sanctuary. The program will include Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the Living as well pieces by American Composers. The concert will be around an hour.
Please join us for an evening of exquisite choral music from our West Virginia neighbors!
Suggested Donation at the door: $10
Tags: Worship and Music / Worship at St. Paul's / Music at St. Paul's