Meatloaves needed for the Severe Weather Emergency Shelter (SWES)
The Severe Weather Emergency Shelter in downtown Pittsburgh opens for the homeless on nights when the temperature falls below 25 degrees or during storm circumstances. St. Paul’s provides a hot meal of meat loaf, a starch such as rice pilaf, Spanish rice, macaroni and cheese, or a potato casserole, and Cole slaw. Typically, we are on call for these meals, and upcoming dates are Thursday, February 25 and March 9. We hear 48 hours in advance if we need to deliver meals. We need enough meat loaf in the freezer at St. Paul's to cover at least 200-300 servings (2-3 nights). The meat loaves should be baked, and wrapped whole, not sliced, in foil, labeled and placed in the freezer at St. Paul's. If your St. Paul's group would like to have a "cook-in" to prepare a batch of meatloaf using the mega-meatloaf recipe, contact Pat Eagon Stafford (412.276.7721, for the mega-meatloaf recipe. Volunteers are needed to help make the side dishes and slice the meatloaves, and to drive to the city to deliver the food. Please consider contributing to these meals for the needy.
Click HERE for the Meatloaf Recipe!
Tags: Messenger February 2016 / Operation Safety Net - Severe Weather Emergency Shelter (SWES) / Outreach