Many Ways to Keep a Holy Lent
This Lent we invite you to participate in one of many spiritual disciplines or learning opportunities:
Begins February 14
Begins February 17
Are you someone who has been a Christian for a long time, but sometimes still wonders about the basics? Or are you someone new to God and the Church who wants to get a better idea of what this Christianity thing is really all about? Then join us for Transforming Questions! Each week we will gather for a meal at 6:30, hear a talk by Michelle, Lou, or Garrett on one of the central questions of the Christian faith, and then join in small-group discussion. We will begin Wednesday evening, February 17, for by engaging the crucial question, "Can a person of faith still have doubts?" The series will run for five Wednesdays until Holy Week, and then resume for five weeks after Easter. Since the conversations and small groups will build on each session, we encourage those attending to participate in as many of the sessions as possible. Those interested in confirmation or reception this spring are highly encouraged to participate. We will provide child care, but please let Lisa Brown ( know if your children are coming so we can prepare. If you have further questions about this program, please contact Rev. Michelle at 412.531.7153 x35, or
Lenten Quiet Day - Listening for God
Tuesday, March 15 at 7 p.m.
We are all aware of the crisis of refugees in the Middle East, Europe, and Scandinavia as literally millions escape the horrors of war and terrorism in their homelands and seek refuge elsewhere. This Lent we will join together to help through Episcopal Relief and Development. This arm of the Episcopal Church is working with local organizations and Anglican Communion and ecumenical partners to provide assistance in Syria and in Europe to people fleeing ongoing violence. Our gifts to Episcopal Relief and Development's Syria Crisis Response Fund will directly help those most in need. You can make your contribution using envelopes found in the pews, or by writing a check payable to St. Paul's, with "Refugees" in the memo line or by clicking here to donate directly to the Syria Crisis Response Fund. Please continue to pray for all those fleeing violence and unrest.
Tags: International Outreach Projects / Local & National Outreach Projects / Outreach / Quiet Days / Serving Our Neighbors / Social Justice / St. Paul's Calendar / Sunday Morning Adult Forum / Wednesdays at St. Paul's / Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church! / Young Adult Group / Youth